Version - mai 7 - 2016


Sessions - summary:
- tooltips added

Quick filter  'Session's name' :
- Optimization (search triggered only with ENTER)
- Colored in blue if filter is active

Sessions - Heads up : added pseudo in the session's name

- Migration script at startup

- Import modification

Hands - Filters :

- new filter "Nb seats"
- new filter "Specialty"
- new filter "Structure"

- Mains - Liste : opponent's category is now displayed

Stats - 

- new filter for blinds
- new filter"Nb seats"
- new filter "Hands category"
- new filter "Specialty"
- new filter "Structure"


- new hero method (hands against oppoents in Heads up)

Ipoker :
- automatic detection of the new history folder for


HUD : 
- correction if revenge on Pokerstars in SNG HU

Stats :
- correction when no profile is selected