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HUD and Xeester license

Data import and HUDs directly depend on your Xeester license possibilities :

License Limits


Tournaments and Sit'N'Go : Unlimited
Cash Game : Unlimited
Duration : 30 days


Tournaments and Sit'N'Go : up to 5€ included
Cash Game : up to blinds 0,05€ included
Duration: 1 year


Tournaments and Sit'N'Go : up to 20€ included
Cash Game : up to blinds 0,20€ included
Duration: year


Tournaments and Sit'N'Go : up to 100€ included
Cash Game : up to blinds 1€ included
Duration: year


Tournaments and Sit'N'Go : Unlimited
Cash Game : Unlimited
Duration: year

: Fastfold games other than Winamax Gofast (zoom, spot poker, rushpoker, speed holdem) are only imported, the HUD won't work.

HUDs general overview

When you sit at a poker table and play hands, Xeester displays information about your opponents and yourself with overlaid labels, as shown below : 


You can customize those labels in order to display various information :

  • general information about the player (ex : nickname, number of hands)
  • many statistics
  • results (ex : number BB, net gain)

When you move the mouse over the label
, a tooltip is displayed : 

Over a statistic Tooltip

Statistic name and value
Statistic description
Over a badge Tooltip

Badge name
Badge statistic values
Over an information (nickname, category...) Tooltip

Notes (if exists)
Manual category

You can activate / deactive tooltips.

A right click on a statistic displays a details dialog :


: Xeester menu

The menu is a small separate window that allows to manage the displayed HUD : 




: The "Save labels positions" button (disk icon) only appears when the "Synchronize labels" options is checked. In that case moving a label will not reflect on other labels of the same room and same seat on other open tables.

HUD activation

Starting and using the HUD is very easy. Follow the following steps :

1. Check that the HUD is started :

hud-ko hud-ok

In that case the HUD is not started.

Click on Start HUD.

In that case, the HUD is started.

2. Check that your poker rooms are configured to save your hand histories : Rooms configuration

3. Start playing on one of your rooms

4. After a few hands, the HUD menu and labels will be displayed on the table :


Configure my HUDs

You can open the HUDs configuration dialog from the DESKTOP or from the menu :

From the DESKTOP From the menu



The configuration dialog is composed of 3 areas :


1- IMPORTANT : "HUD start mode"
allows you to define the way the HUDs will start : 

Start mode Behavior
Initial format (number of seats)

Always select the HUD depending on the initial table format.
Example :
Even if only 4 players are at a 6 seats table, the default HUD defined for 6 seats will always be used.

Number of seated players

Start and switch the HUD dynamically depending on the number of seatd players.
Example :
If the table has 6 seats, the default HUD will depend on the number of seated players, and will automatically switch when the number of seated players changes.

the start mode does not impact the hands sample used by the HUD. The sample is defined by the HUD itself.

2 - "HUDS LIST" summarizes the available HUDs, and allows to set the default HUD to use for each number of seats/players.



Option Description
Active table only If checked, the HUD only displays on the table your are playing at a given moment

HUD size proportional to the table

If checked, the labels size is proportinal to the table size

Synchronise labels

If checked, all labels positions of the same room and seat will be synchronized when moving a specific label

Do not display the HUD for the Hero If checked, your own label will not be displayed
Transparent labels

Allows to define the HUD transparency

Automatic summary

If checked, an automatic summary will be displayed over the table with the last hand information. Conditions for this summary to be displayed are :

  • Only pots > 50bb
  • Only pots > 30bb
  • Only pots > 10bb
  • Only if showdown
  • Always

Show the odds %

If checked, the odds % at showdown will be displayed for each player involved in the pot

Summary display

Allows to choose :
  • if the summary displays globally under the Xeester menu, or separately under each player's label
  • le nombre de secondes où le résumé reste affiché
Tooltips on labels Activate/deactivate tooltips on labels.
Fully show labels only on rollover If checked, labels will be nearly invisible and will only appear when the mouse is over
Hide the HUD when started Hides by default the HUD when a new table opens
Always show labels inside the screen Forces labems to stay inside the screen area

HUD label

Reminder : The label is an overlaid window displayed for each player seating a the table.

Its configuration interface is composed of 3 areas : 

huds edition label


Element Description
Tabs position

A label can contain several tabs. Tabs are displayed if at least 2 tabs are defined. You can choose where to position those tabs on the label (Top / Bottom / Left / Right).

Tabs font size

Font size used for tab labels

Hide irrelevant stats

To display only statistics with a sufficient number of cases

: tabs buttons are displayed if at least 2 tabs are defined.


huds edition label tab


A tab contains blocks, which can contain statistics and/or information.

A block defines the general display properties for its content :

huds edition label block

An information 
might have its own display properties : 

huds edition label info

A statistic 
has its own display properties : 

huds edition label stat

 : you can limit the sample used for a statistic by filtering positions and starting stacks.

For more information about the data you can use in a HUD, see the statistics index.

HUD automatic categorization

 How it works: You can define a set of statistics conditions for each 19 categories.

the first category which all statistic conditions are met becomes the automatic category for the player.

Its configuration interface is composed of 2 areas : 

huds edition categories


Element Description
Category position

You can choose where to position the category on the label (Top / Bottom / Left / Right / Never). You can also choose its thickness.

2 - Category definitions: 

Definitions contain categories, which contain statistics : 

huds edition categories tab content

A category 
is one of the 19 available categories : 

huds edition categories block

A statistic
has its own constraints that must be met to validate the category.

 : you can limit the sample used for a statistic by filtering positions and starting stacks :

huds edition categories stat


Condition Description
Minimum nb cases

Number of cases under which the statistic is not relevant

Value between

Range of values in which the statistic value must be

For more information about the data you can use in a HUD, see the statistics index.


Warning : Does not work with PokerStars, it is a restriction imposed by PokerStars, there are several :

- No badges and no automatic categorization, the player has to figure out for himself what the playing patterns of his opponents are.
- No pie charts on the hand panels of a statistic during play.
- Only 2 limits for 3 areas and then 3 colors for statistics.

This information (PokerStars must be closed) will only be displayed during reviews.

HUD badges

Reminder : A badge is a visual indicator displayed on labels and profiles when all of its statictic conditions are met.

Its configuration interface is composed of 3 areas : 

huds edition badges

1 - Badges display options : 

Element Description
Badges position

You can choose where to position the badges on the profile and label (Top / Bottom / Never)

2 - Line settings : 

3 - Contents : 

A line can contain badges, which can contain statistics

A badge defines its display properties : 

huds edition badges block

A statistic
has its own constraints that must be met to validate the badge.

huds edition badges stat


Condition Description
Minimum nb cases

Number of cases under which the statistic is not relevant

Value between

Range of values in which the statistic value must be

 : you can limit the sample used for a statistic by filtering positions and starting stacks :
For more information about the data you can use in a HUD, see the statistics index.


Warning : Does not work with PokerStars, it is a restriction imposed by PokerStars, there are several :

- No badges and no automatic categorization, the player has to figure out for himself what the playing patterns of his opponents are.
- No pie charts on the hand panels of a statistic during play.
- Only 2 limits for 3 areas and then 3 colors for statistics.

This information (PokerStars must be closed) will only be displayed during reviews.

HUD filters

The data used by the HUD depend on 3 kinds of filters :

hud filters

A - "Sample used when the HUD is displayed une table"
is independently configurable for the Hero and the opponents.

Option Description


Data sample used


Sample's start date

B - "General filters"
are always applied.

General filter Description
Max hands

Maximum number of hands to use

Nb. players

Minimum and maximum players.
Example : 3 to 6 players means that the hands used are limited to hands played with 3,4,5 or 6 players. Other hands will be excluded.

C - "Additional filters"
are applied only when the HUD is displayed on a table and if the « All hands » option is not checked.

Additional filter Description

bb (cashgame) or buyin (tournaments) range


To filter on a game specialty

HUD full profile

IMPORTANT: The label is an overlaid window displayed when double clicking on a player's label. It contains a list of statictics.

For each HUD, you can select the associated profile with the menu "Popup's profile"

huds edition profile

Editing a profile is the same as editing a HUD label.

For more information about the data you can use in a HUD, see the statistics index.

HUD default colors

You can define the default colors proposed when adding a statistic to the HUD.

Click the HUD>Default colors menu to open the colors configuration dialog

You can also globally apply the chosen colors to one or several HUDs with the "Apply to hud..." button.

huds default colors

HUD default display

You can define the default display values proposed when adding a block to the HUD.

Click the HUD>Default display menu to open the display configuration dialog

You can also globally apply the chosen colors to one or several HUDs with the "Apply to hud..." button.

huds default display

Preferred seat settings

The "preferred seat" is the default seat position when you sit at a poker table. It must be configured the same way on Xeester and on your poker rooms.

You can open the preferred seat configuration dialog from the "HUD>Preferred seat" menu or from the desktop.

 For each room :

  • If you configured a preferred seat , select "Preferred seat"
  • If you did not configure a preferred seat, select "Free seating"

In the following example, you are playing on Pokerstars and did not configure a preferred seat.

In the Preferred seat configuration dialog, select Pokerstars and check the "Free seating" radio button:

preferred seats config

: you can apply your settings to all rooms with the "Apply to all rooms" button. 

When the HUD is displayed at the table, labels are at bad locations : 

hud siege libre wam 2

Use the right or left arrow of the Xeester menu to move the labels clockwise or anticlockwise until the labels are at the good locations.

hud siege libre wam 3

For more information about the preferred seat configuration room by room :

Choosing preferred seats on 888
Choosing preferred seats on FullTiltPoker
Choosing preferred seats on iPoker
Choosing preferred seats on Ongame
Choosing preferred seats on Partygaming
Choosing preferred seats on Pokerstars
Choosing preferred seats on Revolution Gaming
Choosing preferred seats on Winamax

Choosing preferred seats on 888

Open the 888 lobby, select the menu Settings>Game settings :

sites 888 13

 Select your preferred seat for each game format, and click  Save and close to save your preferences :


Choosing preferred seats on FullTilt

Open the FullTilt lobby, select the menu Settings>Table Appearance>Preferred Seat:

sites fulltilt 13

Select your preferred seat for each game format, and click  Apply Changes.

Choosing preferred seats on IPoker

GOOD TO KNOW : IPoker rooms do not allow to set preferred seats.

You should set your preferred seats on Xeester, and always seat at the same place on IPoker.

To play at a specific seat, and click "Seat me here" :




Choosing preferred seats on Ongame

GOOD TO KNOW : Ongame rooms do not allow to set preferred seats.

You should set your preferred seats on Xeester, and always seat at the same place on Ongame.

To play at a specific seat, do as follows :


Then click on Change seat and Sit Here :


Choosing preferred seats on Partygaming

Open the Partygaming lobby, select the Options > Table options tab.

In the Seats area, check "Table seating" and choose your seat for each table format.

Click Save to validate.



Choosing preferred seats on Pokerstars

Open the Pokerstars lobby, select the menu Settings>Table Appearance>Preferred Seat:

sites pokerstars 16

Select your preferred seat for each game format, and click  Apply Changes.

Choosing preferred seats on Revolution Gaming

On Revolution Gaming lobby, click the Options menu.

Select the Game>Seating tab : 


Check the "Enable 'always in specific seat'" box and select your seat for each table format :


Choosing preferred seats on Winamax

Open the Winamax lobby, select the Options>Options menu :

sites winamax 4

In the "Game" tab, select "Options".

In the "Seat" area, select your preferred seat for each table format. Click "Save" to validate.


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